Ugh. Thought I was being all smart by zip-tying my audio stuff (mixer, wireless headset receiver, hearing impaired transmitter, Bluetooth receiver) to a board with a power strip on it to power all those things.
Turns out having the power supplies close to the transmitter, and having the power cables neatly bundled, causes all sorts of noise. And that unbundled, my Landmark transmitter is actually less noisy than the Williams.
Need to figure out another configuration for easy setup.
Hanan Cohen, who is bad at math (grin), _reminds me_ ( that _we're up to 27 years of the Flutterby blog_ (
Yay, got my first basic numeric expression parser up with Rust, now trying to add the features my Objective-C version has, better debugging, figuring out how I tie code to the nodes, but I can express a BNF-like language directly in code, inspect the parse tree at run-time for things like autocomplete, and it's teaching me how to think in Rust.
Which seems to involve a lot of .clone() calls, I'm gonna have to look at the output machine code to see what it's really doing.
"We Americans of today—all of us—we are characters in this living book of democracy.
"But we are also its author. It falls upon us now to say whether the chapters that are to come will tell a story of retreat or a story of continued advance.
I believe that the American people will say: "Forward!""
Franklin D Roosevelt,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Campaign Address at Cleveland, Ohio November 2, 1940.
I know, I don't know any Rust geeks, but just in case there's someone out there while I'm hollering into the void: is there a way to step an iterator backwards, or am I stuck with calling .clone() before .next() to return the first place where my comparison failed?