Dan Lyke 23:06:35+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2262,-122.638)

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of DOMs? The .shadowRoot knows... In other news, just had to follow up a el.elementFromPoint(...) call with an "if you didn't find it there, call el.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint(...) and try to find it that way" strategy.

Dan Lyke 19:28:37+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.639)

I realize I'm the cranky old man who hollers about "programmers" typing "npm install ..." without having any idea of what they're doing, but... I'm having trouble figuring out WTF https://tembo.io/ is. Best I can tell it's selling a concept to the C-Suite so that your outsourced coders don't have to know how to type "apt install ..." (or the RPM equivalent) and "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Dan Lyke 19:10:41+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2365,-122.643)

It's not that Google returning a shitpost as the first result is a novel thing, it's that they're burning down rainforest to amplify the shitpost. When I do the search with &udm=14, that result is pushed even further down, so, yeah: the old results continue to be better in every way.

Dan Lyke 17:37:05+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.639)

Thread from Cecilia Tan on the 24th anniversary of the "Paddleboro" warrantless raid by Attleboro MA police on a consensual BDSM party, including chartes for "possession of instruments of masturbatory use," and assault for a consensual wooden spoon spanking. And now they're coming after all recreational sex. https://wandering.shop/@ceciliatan/112751561933336428