Dan Lyke 22:37:33+0000 (2024-05-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2248,-122.628)

Damn it, Facebook, it's "fewer". (Image is of a Facebook prompt adding if I'd like to "...see more or less posts like this in Feed".)

Dan Lyke 18:01:31+0000 (2024-05-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2271,-122.631)

Skimming through this thread on "does CoPilot actually increase productivity", and I have this feeling that a lot of people using programmer-"helper" tools like that aren't using expressive languages. And I include the C preprocessor in "expressive languages". https://lobste.rs/s/u9kgo4/did_github_copilot_really_increase_my

Dan Lyke 17:23:47+0000 (2024-05-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2248,-122.628)

My mom.posts Weston A Price Foundation events on Facebook, but every time I see "WAPF" in a post I wonder what her community has to do with Cardi B and Megan The StallIon

Dan Lyke 00:36:13+0000 (2024-05-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2333,-122.639)

Unclear whether "plant-based barista milk" is milk from plant-based baristas, or...?