2024-07-04 Empty Propane Tanks
With the assistance of a 2x4, some cam straps, a pipe wrench and a Burke bar, valves successfully removed from the propane tanks. I understand why a bunch of tank/tongue drum makers suggest buying new tanks rather than recycling...
All sizes: 120x160 | 602x800 | 1446x1920 | 3072x4080
- Aperture : f/1.9
- Camera make : Google
- Camera model : Pixel 7
- Date/Time : 2024:07:04 07:54:21
- Exposure : program (auto)
- Exposure time : 0.0073 s (1/137)
- File date : 2024:07:04 16:58:27
- File name : /home/danlyke/websites/flutterby.net/public_html_static/files/images/2024/07/04/2024-07-04EmptyPropaneTanks.jpg
- File size : 5855163 bytes
- Flash used : No
- Focal length : 6.8mm (35mm equivalent: 24mm)
- Focus dist. : 1.25m
- Focus range : close
- GPS Altitude : -19.70m
- GPS Latitude : N 38d 13m 29.56s
- GPS Longitude : W 122d 37m 39.67s
- ISO equiv. : 46
- JPEG Quality : 95
- Metering Mode : center weight
- Whitebalance : Auto