Neighbor had us over for a cookout on July 4th, and one of his hobbies was, for a while, building cigar box guitars. So he brought out his, and played around with it, and then said "so here, I have this stick of maple and these tuning machines and this cigar box. You should build one!"
I didn't wanna tell him that a stick of maple to my shop was kinda redundant, so I took his generosity, went home, and started to build...
I meant to take more construction pictures, and didn't. The sound hole reinforcements are cut from olive, recessed using concentric hole saws, the middle cut with a Forstner bit, the outsides were cut round on the scroll saw and sanded.
All of this resulted in a guitar that looks like this, and sounds like this (with apologies in advance, 'cause dang I cannot play).
Things I'd do differently next time:
- I got the peg board cut reversed, somehow (laid out on the back side, because I wanted to cut with the front side down), so the tuning machines are on backwards. That's not good for longevity, but it's kinda a one-off.
- The pickup location doesn't really have any relationship to the strings.
- Need to get a real bone nut and cut thaqt in.
- Similar concerns over the bridge.
- I got the cigar box upside down when viewed by the audience. Sigh.
- If I'm gonna do it fretted, get real fret wire.
And I still need to do some snazzy knobs for the tone and attentuation potentiometers.