2020-02-17 Carving

I've been having a rough few days. Lots of things up, yesterday I went to do what needed to be done, and realized that because we're paying someone to redo the back yard, I couldn't really do the other things back there in the midst of that work. So so much for staying busy in an effort do avoid the feels.

Today, Charlene suggested that I go out into the shop and build something, anything, like a box, just make some sawdust. And the inspiration wasn't there.

When I was a kid, my grandparents got me a set of carving chisels. Those got given away in my 20s, but I've thought about them, and when my Dad's terminal illness became clear and I went through his shop, I grabbed this set of his. And my (old school blogging) friend Dave Polaschek made me this carving knife with the spalted handle.

So I grabbed a Dover illustration and a piece of cherry scrap and spent three hours making wood chips. Not sure what I accomplished other than some wood chips, I don't think I can clean this up to where I want to put it in anything, but I learned a lot. And processed a lot.

And got a mean blister on my right palm.


Category: Dan Lyke life