Full weekend, on Saturday I re-wired the living room fan to make the controller un-switched, but ended up tying it to the wrong switch. Realized before we went square dancing what I'd done wrong, but didn't have time to fix.
I bought the grinder mechanism ages ago, probably to pad a Rockler order up enough to get the free shipping. It's been sitting gathering sawdust since. I'd built a little jig to cut splines on the router table, had a bit of a board left over from building Daniel's guitar and decided to see if I could make something happen.
I screwed up the first cut of the sides, so I couldn't do grain matching. The attempts to cut the spline slots were a disaster. I tried to hammer home the splines and ended up having to chisel them out.
But overall, using that vase shape (cut on the bandsaw) to try to mitigate the chewed up wood around the spline slots, with enough cyanoacrylate sanded into the joints, it doesn't look too horrible. A couple of coats of Walnut oil and I'll use it to grind coffee at the office.