2013-04-10 Albuquerque

Drove down to Los Lunas, dropped in at their museum shortly, wandered around the El Cerro de Los Lunas park a bit. Found petrified wood and a couple of agates in a wash there

  left   left   left   left   left   left   left  

  right Then it started to rain, so rather than risk getting soaked we went back into Albuquerque. Went into Old Town, it really did get better than this:

  right But only a little bit, it was "let's separate the tourists from their money" as heck, and then we ran into this at a store called "Warpath" and decided there was only so much overtly "Sambo" like racism we could take.

Went out to the Golden Grown Panaderia and had an awesome pizza and good cookies and a great fun atmosphere for lunch, then headed over to the University district, wandered a bit, and headed back to make pork chops with apples, oranges and currants for dinner before an early night in preparation for the next day's balloon ride!

Category: Dan Lyke life Category: 2013-04 Albuquerque Trip