Hike with Bill, Laura and Dave up Hill 88, with breakfast, adding Phil, at Murray Circle Restaurant, on the patio looking out over the green at Cavallo Point.
As we drove down towards Mill Valley, the fog was heavy and we thought the weather was going to suck, but we soldiered on towards Rodeo Beach anyway. Coming out of the one-lane tunnel under 101 going west, the weather cleared to gorgeous, with fog accenting the sky.
Up Hill 88
[[Image:2011-02-13Hill88InTheFog1.JPG|frame|And the fog can make the hills quite interesting. In a previous hike we once took a wrong turn and ended up in a valley several miles away from where we'd hoped to be.]]
[[Image:2011-02-13CleanedUpPlatformMountAtHill88.JPG|frame|There's substantial restoration and cleanup going on up at the top of the hill. The old rusting girders from previous visits are gone.]]
And then over to breakfast