2008-11-24 Kitchen Drawers

  left   left   left I was telling people that it was over 400 holes, but though the drawers are about 27x22, the actual grid for the pot separators in the bottoms of these drawers is only 16x22. Still, the enormity of just how many holes I'd set myself up to drill only sunk in after the first hundred. I'd clamped two of these together with a sheet of pegboard on top for stability, and used 1½" of maple block drilled out on the drill press to keep my bit vertical. I put it on a sheet of cheap ply to help reduce tear-out, but if I ever do this again (and haven't built a CNC router to do it with), I'll not only clamp the bottom layer in too, but I'll also use a brad point bit.

However, the bottoms will be hidden, so that's okay. Need to hit 'em with the 220 grit sandpaper, and a coat or three of poly, and then we have pot drawers in the kitchen. Separators will be ¼" steel rod.

Category: Woodworking Category: Dan Lyke life