2008-05-13 Morning Glory Lattice

    I've got several projects on the burner, but yesterday evening Charlene said "I really want to plant the morning glories before it's too late".

  How it used to lookWhen we moved in, the back yard had an awning, with lots of ferns and other low sun plants. Most of what we want to grow wants full sun, so we pulled out the awning, and we really need to replace the fence, but we haven't gotten there yet. So this is forward enough that hopefully we can keep control of the decorative peas and morning glories that we want to plant there to obscure the fence, until we can get in to clean up the fence, and is set far enough forward that we can build the fence.

The wood is Massaranduba, with Sipo floating tenons (The Domino, is there anything it can't do?), and the wires below that are multistrand secured at each end with u-locks.

Category: Dan Lyke life Category: Woodworking Category: 10 Mission