Monster storm system started here in California last night. I'd picked up Eric McC. from the airport yesterday, he parked his car in our driveway, and it broke down while he was trying to drive out, so he ended up staying at the house last night. Turns out this was a good thing, because extra hands around both houses today are likely to be needed. Last night we woke up to the sounds of assorted stuff falling (including what sounded like at least one big-ass tree, far enough off that we didn't get out of bed to deal with it), and the appliances doing weird stuff in response to a wacky electrical situation, by morning the batteries had run down on the UPS that runs the network.
The drive up involved a lot of standing water, rock slides and downed tree limbs, and at least one car that looked that it might no longer be driveable under a downed tree in Nicasio, but apparently the front way was worse, lots of bad news out on route 101, Golden Gate Transit suspended bus service because of flooding on 101, and there were lots of other problems. The radio also said that PG&E wasn't even going to try to start repairs until the winds died down a bit.
Meanwhile, the sanded floors look awesome, if we go with a clear finish they'll be beautiful. Now to figure out how we put up replacement hardwood baseboards without totally breaking the bank.